Evaluation reports


International Development Group: Culver K, Askar H, Struve S, Singh P. 2024. Outcomes evaluation of the Engendering Industries Program. Final evaluation report; forthcoming.

International Development Group: Bynens, E, Culver K. 2024. Final evaluation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Liberia Roads Project. Final evaluation report; forthcoming.


International Development Group: Culver K, Freeman N, Abalu U, Chidsey H, Vaswani H. 2023. Final Evaluation: Regional Investment Support to Entrepreneurs (RISE). Final evaluation report; forthcoming.


Culver K, Kraiem A, Haj Salem J, Lajmi A, Daly Z. 2022. Final Performance Evaluation: Tunisia Accountability, Decentralization and Effective Municipalities (TADAEEM). USAID. Full Report.

Culver K, Indrawati P, Sukarna R, Kurniawan H, Yon KM, Nur Aini S. 2022. “USAID/Indonesia urban water, sanitation and hygiene penyehatan lingkungan untuk semua (IUWASH PLUS): final performance evaluation report.” USAID. Full report.


Glennie, Jonathon with Keri Culver, Samuel Bekoe, Adiba Khaled and Charles Sokile. 2021. “Evaluating Aid Transparency.” Oxford Policy Management and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Link and Permalink


Culver, Keri; Cook, Andrew; Spilsbury, John; Akkurt, Ozlem; and Rasulova, Saltanat. 2019. Independent Evaluation of TradeMark East Africa. Deliverable 3B: Performance Evaluation. Oxford Policy Management and the Department for International Development (DFID): UK. Report available at Link; select Evaluation Report Publish (53202640) for the report and Evaluation Report Publish (53924320) for the annexes. Or Report Permalink and Annex Permalink.

Allison, Christine; Culver, Keri & Silva-Leander, Sebastian. 2019. Deliverable 5B: Poverty and Gender Impact Study, Oxford Policy Management and the Department for International Development (DFID): UK. Report available at Link; select Evaluation Report Publish (53202761) for the report and Evaluation Report Publish (53924527) for the annexes. Or Report Permalink and Annex Permalink


Culver, Keri; Jairo Núñez and Daniel Wiesner. 2017. “Evaluación de impacto: Colombia Enhanced Livelihoods Initiative.” National, regional and thematic volumes. Prepared for USAID/Colombia to evaluate programs of alternative development, municipal strengthening, security and social fabric en conflict zones in Colombia. Available at:

Executive SummaryResumen ejecutivo
Volume I – General reportInforme general – Tomo I
Volume II – AnnexesAnexos – Tomo II
Regional report – SouthInforme Regional: Sur
Regional report – NorthInforme regional: Norte
Regional report – Montes de MariaInforme regional: Montes de Maria
Regional report – CentralInforme regional: Central
Regional report – PNCRTInforme regional: PNCRT


Gallego, Jorge and Keri Culver. 2016. “Impact Evaluation: Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program.” Prepared for USAID/Colombia to evaluate programs of income generation and productive projects for Afro-Colombians and Indigenous people. Also, strengthening civil society and municipalities where ethnic groups are prominent. Full Report


Sikkink, Kathryn; Phuong Pham; Patrick Vinck; Douglas Johnson; Bridget Marchesi; Peter Dixon; (Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, through the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative); Francisco Osuna; Ana Maria Rivera and Keri Culver (MSI’s EVAL contract.) 2015. “Evaluación de medidas para reparaciones integrales en Colombia: Logros y Retos.” Prepared for USAID/Colombia and the Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas de Colombia. Executive Summary (English): Executive Summary (English) and Full Report (Spanish)


Culver, Keri; and Paola Benítez and Edna Bonilla Sebá. 2014. “Final Evaluation: Public Policy Program.” Prepared for USAID/Colombia. Full Report

Culver, Keri; and Oscar Huertas Díaz. 2014. “Post-implementation evaluation of the Evaluation of the More Investment in Sustainable Alternative Development (MIDAS) and Areas for Municipal Alternative Development (ADAM) programs.” Prepared for USAID/Colombia. Ex-post evaluation of alternative development programs.  Full Report

Culver, Keri: Andrés Gordillo, Paola Molina, Francisco Quiroz and Paola Benitez. 2014. “Final Performance Evaluation of the Gender Component of PROTIERRA: Conflict Resolution on Land and Natural Resources: Afro-Colombian Women’s Leadership for Land Tenure in the Middle and Lower Atrato, Choco”. Report prepared for USAID/Colombia. Full Report


Culver, Keri; Daniel Killian. 2012. “Rule of Law Stabilization – Informal Component; Impact Evaluation Report.” Report prepared for USAID/Afghanistan on 2011-12 evaluation research of informal justice capacity building program. Full Report

Cook, Andrew; Keri Culver; D. John Spilsbury; Eric Weiss. 2012. “USDA Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Pilot Project – Independent Evaluation Report.” Report prepared for United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, Office of Capacity Building, Food Assistance Division on findings from 2011 research evaluating time and costs of procurement, market impact, and food quality. Full Report Permalink


Culver, Keri; Alvares de Azevedo, Thomaz; Brand, Kathryn and Tejeda, Felipe. 2010. “Evaluation of the Go to School Initiative.” Report prepared for UNICEF Southern Sudan and Government of Southern Sudan on the evaluation research carried out in 2010. Permalink

Jessee, Cassandra and Culver, Keri. 2010. “Evaluation of Zambia’s Continuous Assessment Pilot USAID program under Education Quality Improvement Program 2 (EQUIP2).” Report prepared for the United States Agency for International Development Mission to Zambia on teacher training evaluative research carried out in 2010. Unpublished.


Dye, Richard W.; Culver, Keri; and Swallow, John. 2009. “Mid-term Assessment of the Higher Education for Development Program. Report prepared for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Office of Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Education. Unpublished.

Culver, Keri; Allison, Christine and Rasnake, Roger. 2009. “An Outcomes and Impacts Assessment of The President’s Africa Education Initiative.” Report prepared for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Africa Bureau, Office of Regional Sustainable Development. Unpublished.


Culver, Keri; Auten, Sarah; Millán, Felipe; and Rasnake, Roger. 2008. “Junior Achievement Banks in Action Summative Evaluation.” Report of evaluation research carried out from 2007-2008, submitted to Junior Achievement Worldwide. Unpublished.


Pitts, Melinda; Allison, Christine; Rasnake, Roger and Culver, Keri. 2007. “Evaluation of School Connectivity Program (SCP) and the Building Respect through Internet Dialogue and Global Education Program (BRIDGE)” Report of evaluation research carried out from 2005 to 2007. Submitted to the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation. Executive Summary

Culver, Keri and Millán, Felipe. 2007. “JA Worldwide Hispanic Initiative Evaluability Assessment.” Report of Evaluability/feasibility research, 2006-2007, for Junior Achievement Worldwide. Unpublished.


Culver, Keri; Hunt, Barbara C.; and Linan-Thompson, Sylvia. 2006. “Centers of Excellence for Teacher Training (CETT) Professional Development Review Final Report.” Report prepared for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Latin American and the Caribbean, Office of Regional Sustainable Development, Education and Human Resources Team. Unpublished.

Rasnake, Roger; Allison, Christine; Burgess, Barbara and Culver, Keri. 2006. “An Evaluation of the Internet Access and Training Program (IATP) in Eurasia.” Unpublished document from evaluation research carried out from 2005 to 2007. Submitted to the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation. Executive Summary


Culver, Keri. 2005. “Junior Achievement and the GE Foundation: Student outcomes in Mexico, Poland and China. Final Report.” Report of evaluation research carried out from 2004-2005, submitted to Junior Achievement Worldwide. Unpublished.


Chesterfield, Ray; Linan-Thompson, Sylvia; Hunt, Barbara C. and Culver, Keri. 2004. “Un estudio reflexivo del desarrollo profesional de los docentes en los Centros regionales de América Latina y el Caribe para la Excelencia de la capacitación a docentes. Reporte Final.” Report prepared for the United States Agency for International Development, Bureau for Latin American and the Caribbean, Office of Regional Sustainable Development, Education and Human Resources Team. Español  English


Culver, Keri. 2000. “The Role of Civil Society in the Democratic Consolidation of the Americas,” as consultant to OAS; for distribution to OAS’ Democratic Forum members.

Culver, Keri. 2000. “Does the OAS Promote Democracy? Evaluating Recent OAS Efforts in Guatemala, Peru and Haiti,” as UN Association International Organization Fellow.

Journal Articles

Culver, Keri. 2001. “Beyond Blackhawks: What’s Piloting U.S. Support for Plan Colombia,” International Affairs Review, Spring 2001, pp. 1-29.

Books and Book Chapters

Ojugo, Clement, with Keri Culver (editor). Practical Food and Beverage Cost Control. 2 ed. Albany: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.