
Napoli, Nuova

We’re just getting settled into Napoli and finding our way around these enormous hills! So far, so very good, including standard-setting pizza.

A celebration of Dad

A celebration of Dad

Our eulogy titled “All the ways Dad failed us” was written with the intent to laugh, not cry, and I almost made it to the end without shedding a tear. Miss you, Dad.

Our little gargoyle

Our little gargoyle

Doing our best in a bad situation. Ready to gripe about it if anyone wants to call. Send margaritas, please!

In the Valentine’s Day trenches

In the Valentine’s Day trenches

Valentine’s Day is too emotionally charged to be anything but annoying. But it does make me stop and look at the years I’ve enjoyed with Ramon

2021, you had one job

2021, you had one job

2021, you had one job. One. Just be better than 2020. You didn’t hit it out of the park, but… I’m raising a glass to the hope for a wonderful 2022!

Alaska never disappoints

Alaska never disappoints

Alaska never disappoints. For me it’s family, it’s adventure, it’s big animals, it’s heavy food and heavier boots. This time I introduced it to Ramon. Memorable week: August 2021.

Fifteen minutes for full potency

Fifteen minutes for full potency

Back In the Family. Ten magical days speaking in familect, walking the neighborhood, talking trash/ playing poker (interchangeable), eating home cooked meals, White Castles and a multi-meat meal at Salt and Smoke

Guest post from Gene!

Guest post from Gene!

Guest post from Gene Culver on a break from the nutjobs who fill our airwaves and screens these days

Little Bitty Christmas Post

Little Bitty Christmas Post

Nothing like being home for the holidays. Well, this year we’ve got to be creative to make it through. As long as eating is involved, I’m game!