
Zero moment

Zero moment: that minuscule space in time before you do something that changes you forever. I’m a writer, and I think of myself as always having been one. But it’s not true. I have first, foremost and absolutely been a dedicated reader. I’ve got one, two, three or...
Done and to do: my writing year

Done and to do: my writing year

I came across a blog post today on the Brevity site, by Allison K. Williams, asking about one's writing year: what did you manage to accomplish? The novelty was the positive angle: not what did you promise yourself to do, and not get done, a set of questions I'm...

Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Cover Reveal!

Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Cover Reveal!

Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Spy Act has a cover design, created by the A-MAY-ZING Rima Salloum, who was able to take my words and create a gorgeous visual. I swear I only bothered her a little bit with fussing around with things and colors and fonts and images...

It’s National Novel Writing Month again!

It’s National Novel Writing Month again!

Calling all creative minds… Let's novel! National Novel Writing Month is about to begin. This annual event pits you against your inner editor (troublesome fellow: more on him below) to write 50,000 words – the equivalent of a novella – in one month. Millions around...

And counting. A short short story (Ten seconds short)

And counting. A short short story (Ten seconds short)

T-minus ten and counting. A spectrum – red, yellow and green – illuminates. A traffic rainbow that means turbines are operational. A buzzer squeals overhead: propulsion jets are ignited, pushing 100,000 pounds per square inch against the launch pad. A faint, buffered...

Neptune’s Rain Cuts Like Diamonds

Neptune’s Rain Cuts Like Diamonds

(A story for Chuck Wendig's Flash Fiction contest, based on a randomly selected title, first line, and last lines.)   Three days without sleep was the least of my worries. Charlene was out there, slouched in an alley or a flophouse, a needle dangling from a vein,...

What I did on my summer vacation

What I did on my summer vacation

I haven’t worked for months. No, it's okay. My last months in Colombia were rough – very long hours with several enormous tasks dangling over my head. It was time for a break. Sabbatical - lovely word, right? Leaving Colombia was also a big change for me – because...

Español cuatro – Diario de un ex-soldado

Español cuatro – Diario de un ex-soldado

Flash fiction 4 - Micro-relatos Esta semana estoy blogueando mis cuentos escritos para una clase de escritura creativa. Cada uno tiene su fin para la clase. Éste, el cuarto, tenía que llevar el formato de un diario. En un diario las personas tienen un espacio íntimo...

Flash Fiction Three – Personaje

Flash Fiction Three – Personaje

Flash fiction - Micro-relatos 3 Esta semana estoy publicando unos cuentos escritos para mi clase de escritura creativa. Cada uno tiene su fin para la clase. La tarea para este, el tercero, era de describir un personaje más allá de una simple descripción física, usando...

Flash Fiction – Juego de palabras

Flash Fiction – Juego de palabras

Flash fiction - Micro-relatos 2 Hoy iniciaré un ciclo de cuentos escritos para mi clase de escritura creativa. Cada uno tiene su fin para la clase. Este, el segundo, es un juego de palabras. La clase y el profe me exigen un nuevo nivel en mi escritura, aparte de que...

Flash Fiction One – Grande, un relato absurdo

Flash Fiction One – Grande, un relato absurdo

Flash fiction - Micro-relatos 1. Hoy iniciaré un ciclo de cuentos escritos para mi clase de escritura creativa. Cada uno tiene su fin para la clase. Primero, uno para una tarea de escribir algo absurdo que, sin embargo, tiene su lógica. La clase y el profe me exigen...