Evaluation Reports

Selected evaluation projects and reports

Team Leader, independent evaluation of TradeMark East Africa (DFID and other donors). 2018-2019. 

OPM: Culver, Keri; Cook, Andrew; Spilsbury, John; Rasulova, Saltanat; and Akkurt, Ozlem. 2019. Independent Evaluation of TradeMark East Africa Deliverable 3B: Performance Evaluation. https://devtracker.dfid.gov.uk/projects/GB-1-203307/documents  The files are titled Evaluation report publish (1) for the report and Evaluation report publish (11) for the annexes.

OPM: Allison, Christine; Culver, Keri; Silva-Leander, Sebastian. 2019. Independent Evaluation of TradeMark East Africa Deliverable 5B: Poverty and Gender Impact Study. https://devtracker.dfid.gov.uk/projects/GB-1-203307/documents  The files are titled Evaluation report publish (2) for the report and Evaluation report publish (12) for the annexes.

Evaluation Manager. Mid-term impact evaluation of the Consolidation and Enhanced Livelihoods Initiative (CELI) in Colombia: All reports and annexes.

English Spanish
Executive Summary Resumen ejecutivo
Volume I – General report Informe general – Tomo I
Volume II – Annexes Anexos – Tomo II
Regional report – South Informe Regional: Sur
Regional report – North Informe regional: Norte
Regional report – Montes de Maria Informe regional: Montes de Maria
Regional report – Central Informe regional: Central
Regional report – PNCRT Informe regional: PNCRT


Evaluation Manager, and technical team, component 3. For the Victims’ Unit, Government of Colombia. Evaluation of integral reparations in Colombia. With Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. Executive Summary in English; Full Report in Spanish

Team lead/ Senior evaluator. For USAID/Afghanistan. Rule of Law Stabilization – Informal Component; Impact Evaluation Report. Report on evaluation research of informal justice capacity building program.

Team lead/Senior evaluator. For the United States Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Congress. USDA Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Pilot Project – Independent Evaluation Report. Report presented to U.S. Congress and to USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service, Office of Capacity Building, Food Assistance Division on 2011 research evaluating time and costs of procurement, market impact, and food quality of local and regional versus in-kind food aid.

Team lead/ Senior evaluator. For UNICEF Southern Sudan and the Government of Southern Sudan. Evaluation of the Go to School Initiative. Report on evaluation research.

Evaluations by Sector

Food aid, food security and social welfare

Social cash transfer schemesZambiaExperimental design impact evaluationUNICEF and DFID
Local and regional procurement of food aid pilot programTwenty country study; I worked in Cambodia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya and South AfricaTransactional comparative design; mixed methodsU.S. Department of Agriculture


Gender and ethnicity

Empowering Afro-Colombian women in conflict resolution and land titlingColombiaMixed methods with highly participatory designUSAID
Public Policy Reform across sectors; cross-cutting attention to genderColombiaMixed methodsUSAID
Women’s use of security sector services in tribal areasPakistanQuasi-experimental design with mixed methodsDFID


Impact evaluation

Informal rule of law, or traditional dispute resolutionAfghanistanQuasi-experimental differences in differences (DD) design with mixed methodsUSAID
Social cash transfer schemesZambiaExperimental DD RCT design plus mixed methodsDFID, UNICEF
Women’s use of security sector services in tribal areasPakistanQuasi-experimental design, matched pairs clusters, interrupted time series plus mixed methodsDFID
Urban job training, rural value chains, land titling and municipal govt for Afro-Colombian and Indigenous groupsColombiaQuasi-experimental DD design plus mixed methodsUSAID
Alternative development, social capital, value chains and associativityColombiaQuasi-experimental DD design with list experiment; mixed methodsUSAID

Security sector reform

Informal rule of law, or traditional dispute resolutionAfghanistanQuasi-experimental design with mixed methodsUSAID
Broad-based security sector reform in tribal areasPakistanQuasi-experimental design with mixed methodsDFID

Primary, secondary and tertiary education

The Go to School Initiative; broad-based education reformSouth Sudan (then Southern Sudan)Mixed methodsUNICEF
Higher Education for Development partnerships projectMultipleMixed methodsUSAID
The Africa Education Presidential Initiative; textbooks, teacher training, et al.40 countries in Africa; I worked in Ethiopia, Kenya and ZambiaMixed methodsUSAID
Needs assessment of girls’ educational opportunities in post-conflict areasLiberiaMixed methods needs assessmentUSAID
Teacher training in continuous assessmentZambiaQuasi-experimental design and mixed methodsUSAID
Teacher training in basic literacy, child-centered learning

(Spanish report)
Jamaica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Honduras and MexicoQuasi-experimental design and mixed methodsUSAID
Youth financial literacy and entrepreneurship training programsVaried studies; 20+ countries. I worked in Costa Rica, Poland, El Salvador, Mexico, Colombia, USAQuasi-experimental design; mixed methods; evaluability assessmentJunior Achievement Worldwide
Multiple studies in multiple countries; I worked in Bosnia and RussiaMultiple studies in multiple countries; I worked in Bosnia and RussiaMixed methodsU.S. Department of State


Conflict-affected countries

Victims’ reparations programming

(Spanish report)
ColombiaMixed methodsUSAID; Government of Colombia; Harvard University
Informal rule of law, or traditional dispute resolutionAfghanistanQuasi-experimental design with mixed methodsUSAID
Security sector services and peace-building in tribal areasPakistanQuasi-experimental design with mixed methodsDFID
Urban job training, rural value chains, land titling and municipal govt for Afro-Colombian and Indigenous groupsColombiaQuasi-experimental design with mixed methodsUSAID
Social capital, value chains, associativity and access to local governmentColombiaQuasi-experimental DD design with list experiment and mixed methodsUSAID
Land mines survivors programming, including livelihoods and rehabilitationColombiaMixed methodsUSAID


Sustainable livelihoods: urban and rural

Alternative development, social infrastructure, value chains, access to financeColombiaPost-hoc mixed methodsUSAID
Sustainable development, social capital, value chains and access to financeColombiaQuasi-experimental DD design with list experiment and mixed methodsUSAID
Urban job training, rural value chains, land titling and municipal govt for Afro-Colombian and Indigenous groupsColombiaQuasi-experimental design with mixed methodsUSAID
Quality assurance for forestry and environment sector evaluationsIndonesiaMixed methodsUSAID
Labor market study on youth employmentEl SalvadorMixed methodsUSAID


Monitoring and indicator work

Security sector reform in tribal areasPakistanIndicator design and collaboration with implementing team; also value-for-money framework and developing a research agendaDFID
Multi-sector M&E including democracy and governance, and human and institutional capacity developmentPakistanPerformance monitoring planning and indicator developmentUSAID
Government strengthening programmingGeorgiaPerformance monitoring planning and indicator developmentUSAID
Rule of law, administration of justice programmingKosovoPerformance monitoring planning and indicator developmentUSAID
Rule of law/ administration of justice; Human and institutional capacity developmentMexicoPerformance monitoring planning and indicator developmentUSAID
Data Quality Audit across client portfolioEcuadorExternal periodic assessment of the quality of monitoring dataUSAID
Database created for an education projectCentral and South America and the CaribbeanDeveloped indicators and consensus; full beta testing and training in system useUSAID

Training/capacity development

Trained 25 mid-level evaluatorsPakistan80 hours’ intensive Masters’-level evaluation theory and practicum over three months’ timeUSAID
Trained 30 mid-level evaluatorsColombiaSemester-long, Masters’-level evaluation theory and practicumUSAID
Trained evaluation managers in evaluation policy and managementUnited StatesWeek-long intensive on use of tools to manage evaluations while complying with USAID policyUSAID, Social Impact
Trained monitoring teamPakistanOngoing training to work with implementation team, gather and quality assure monitoring dataDFID
Trained teams of data collectorsEl Salvador, Liberia, Guatemala, Zambia, Honduras, Nicaragua, DR, Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mexico, Cambodia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, S. SudanField methods, ethics, tablets and pencil-and-paper surveys, in-depth interviewing, focus groups, list experiment, security, observation data.Multiple projects and donors
Trained Ministry personnelZambiaPrecepts of evaluation prior to impact evaluation to promote ownershipDFID and UNICEF
Trained multiple NGO teams in use of multi-project indicator databaseMultiple countries, Central and South America and the CaribbeanDatabase of indicators across education portfolio and across LAC regionUSAID

Proposal writing

Aid transparency and research programmingWorldwideHewlett FoundationTo be determined
Indefinite quantity contract for monitoring, evaluation and learning services WorldwideUSAIDTo be determined
Advanced data monitoring system for multisectoral programmingColombiaUSAID/OlgoonikSuccessful
Monitoring and evaluation programsGuatemala, Colombia, Tanzania and othersUSAID and MSIMultiple wins, one bid unsuccessful
Evaluation of local and regional food aid procurement pilotTwenty countries worldwideU.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. CongressSuccessful
Youth financial literacy and entrepreneurship programmingMultiple worldwideJunior Achievement WorldwideSuccessful and years-long relationship with additional work