
Done and to do: my writing year

I came across a blog post today on the Brevity site, by Allison K. Williams, asking about one's writing year: what did you manage to accomplish? The novelty was the positive angle: not what did you promise yourself to do, and not get done, a set of questions I'm...
Dentro. Escuela de Escritores, 1

Dentro. Escuela de Escritores, 1

Casi siempre me quedo en casa. Mi padre prefiere que esté dentro de las cuatro paredes, porque como dice, “Cuando tu estás aquí, yo sí puedo vivir.” No es que sea cruel, mi padre, solo es que me quiere proteger. Me despierto la primera pero no me muevo. Mis pasos en...

Flash Fiction Friday – 14 Feb 2017

Flash Fiction Friday – 14 Feb 2017

14 February 2017. For Chuck Wendig's weekly Flash Fiction prompt. My Random Number Generator chose 10. Long way home. April hoisted her lumpy backpack up on her bony shoulders. It should have weighed more. The dehydrated food packs she’d selected and tallied at the...

Virginia Woolf, Downton Abbey, and damned statistics

Virginia Woolf, Downton Abbey, and damned statistics

I'm a bit late getting to this piece of news, but I just read a story about Virginia Woolf's suicide. I've never read any of her work. I need to catch up. (Pics from Getty, via the BBC article link.) Woolf and her husband criticized Victorian rules. I saw the...

Survey results… for the curious!

Survey results… for the curious!

Survey results are in! Thanks to so many for participating! I thought you might want to know the outcome!    Yep, it's goats and AKs from Peshawar.   Thanks to all who participated! Percentages of the top six qualifiers are below: One does not normally...

Please advise: one magnificent sentence

Please advise: one magnificent sentence

Hello word fans! Can you help me with a sentence? Just one little subject, predicate, object, some punctuation, and bingo! These are from my forthcoming novel, Spy Act. I'm keen to hook a particular agent. Here are a few of my faves: please vote for one you like....

Home turf

Home turf

I'm back in Bogota and working feverishly on new queries, new agents, new chances. At the advice of a particular editor, I queried one last week and was almost instantaneously rejected. But she was nice about it, I suppose. It just reminded me how unpleasant it is to...

Positive stress

Positive stress

What does it mean when something has been self-published that on its face has no literary merit? Does it mean: a) the publishing world is f&%$d? b) readers have no interest in something deep and pensive, but will buy whatever is simple and clich'd? c)...

Would you buy this book?

Would you buy this book?

Stage actor and part-time hairdresser Nathalie Qadir befriends three polite young Muslim men in her immigrant neighborhood in London; they fill a hole in her heart where her brother once was. She doesn't realize that terrorist financier and ideologue Abn Al Sadr has...

Working the query…

With the help of the Book Doctors, I've worked on my query to see if there's a way to get more interest. They said the text is great - it's the query that's not grabbing the agents. I am not sure if this does the trick: I'm really eager to get Nathalie's personality...