
Back to the beginning

I returned to the place where I wrote my first blog posts, twelve years ago. This was also my first work travel since before COVID. Hazy reflection ensues.

Persian cuisine, and a domestic shorthair cat

Persian cuisine, and a domestic shorthair cat

I'm thinking about my friend Shane today, so I'm going to write about food. I had an amazing meal last weekend with a nice new friend here in Bogota, Raha. Here she is explaining the dishes: [wpvideo W5bbm7rk] [wpvideo 6FxkhzVe] She made us feel really welcome and...

Some better news… the best!

Kyna and Lauren came to visit me last week and it was a riot! They became summarily addicted to limonada de coco en leche - much more like a milkshake than a beverage. Here they are on opposite sides of me at San Jorge Pesquera in the small city of Armenia, the...

Lauren’s coming! Lauren’s coming!!!

Today, tonight, my dear niece Lauren arrives in Bogota. She is probably just getting on the plane in Houston as I write. I'm so excited! Fully chuffed! Still have NO plans on where to take her, and my sister Kyna who arrives Friday night. But I will! MedelliĀ­n is...

Casco Viejo, Panama City

Casco Viejo, Panama City

The Casco Viejo neighborhood of Panama City is lovely. It's still in the process of being renovated - passing one or two or three beautifully restored buildings, the next one is still a shell, with palm trees growing inside. But the restored ones are fantastic.  ...

Chopper Saturday

Chopper Saturday

I couldn't stop thinking of M*A*S*H and all the helicopters buzzing around that show. I don't know if I ever imagined being in one. WIthout doors, you're only sort of partly "in" it - there's always this sense of being outside of it at the same time. My photos are...

There is no “i” in team!

There is no “i” in team!

This week has been absolutely tremendous. I'm serious. I know from big scary mountainloads of work, and this week qualifies. I am responsible for three evaluations starting all at once. For the third one, I head to the field tomorrow to collect data in El Cauca, a...

I can comment on my own post, right?

Ooooh, if good wishes made a difference... and it turns out they do. I got GREAT advice from friends far and wide on my "Boohoo, I'm homesick" post last week. Amazing folks with great council and some of it very targeted while other recommendations were slightly...

But, what shall I write about?

But, what shall I write about?

I'm not on the move anymore - my home is here in Bogota. I don't know if I can convey how weird that is. In point of fact, I'm not sure I'm entirely in favor! How do people do this, all over the world, all the time, but for me I feel like a fish out of water? Now I...

Facatativa and Finca la Pepita

Facatativa and Finca la Pepita

Facatativa, or Faca, is where I went last weekend. The lady who gave me a facial has a sister-in-law who is really into bicycling and they invited me up for the day. It's an hour outside Bogota. There were six of us in the group - the sister-in-law, a guy who owns a...

Birthday Missive

Birthday Missive

A lot has happened in the past three weeks, since last I posted. I flew to DC, and saw Kyna before she headed to an out-of-town conference. She wanted my help in thinking about her work! It was cool. It's as if I were evaluating something related to health, and needed...