Expanding, contracting, contorting time in lockdown
I didn't know I had so many neighbors. As the weather gets lovelier and lovelier, they're out on balconies, catching rays of sun. We all need our Vitamin D! A little bit o' seaTaking a sliver of sunStanding in lineSitting on a smokestack?Vitamin D overloadWhere did...
Sunday the 12th
In which a late-night temperature read sparks a whirlwind…
Blursday, I think.
Welcome to mood swing central, where flour no longer exists.
Day 24. Two dozen days.
Two dozen days, and at least as many trains of thought.
Day 23. Here we are. We are here!
Some pics and commentary from the last six months. Please to enjoy.
Day 21. Halved and doubled.
Shared sorrow is halved; shared joy is doubled. Food is food but good cooking makes me happy.
Day 20. The real one.
An easy night.
Day 20. Practically Normal.
Normal, hell! How about a mixtape for your idiot dancing pleasure?
Hey 19. (I don’t like Steely Dan, but can’t resist wordplay.)
I’m as scattered as a shake of celery salt. But at least as flavorful!