
Fart cars, stifling humidity, casual bigotry and fast food

Never Have I Ever… been so negative in a post. Keep reading for some bright sides, which I didn’t earn but for which I’m awfully grateful.

Today’s the day

Today’s the day

Red Bean Baked Rajma and other delights, including two cats and a cauliflower worm. You can’t get all that in your average blog, people!

/rant over

/rant over

/rant over – and back to food, including a map of my lockdown recipes.

Rainy day

Rainy day

In which I muse about indoor rainy days and how to fill them. #wednesdaymissives

Sleep and pretzels

Sleep and pretzels

Scattering thoughts like seedpods and harvesting pretzels. Like a little poem. #LifeNow

Cat Day

Cat Day

Cats of La Marsa – a languorous walk through the cat alleys (as opposed to alley cats) that fill up this seaside town.

Album covers

Album covers

Old school album challenge: Columbia House Record and Tape Club. Learning about responsibility.

Tunis, Day One Million

Tunis, Day One Million

Ratatouille is my spirit animal. What wouldn’t I do for a pretzel right now?

Museum tour: The Bardo

Museum tour: The Bardo

Virtual Museum Tour: the Bardo in Tunis. Complete with female centaur, wine amphorae, and interchangeable heads.

Time travels

Time travels

Expanding, contracting, contorting time in lockdown