In which Ali and I head, ahem, north and west. Or rather west and then north. Very near Algeria, actually. And from HOT to mountain to sea.
Enjoying La Marsa and Tunis one more time
When Ali decided to come see me in Tunisia, I got a chance to make amends for my failure to see more of this beautiful country. Post #1!
Reg’lar ol’ blog post
This blog post is everything and nothing about life in Tunis in the countdown to our departure for as-yet-undetermined climes. We still love it here…
In the Valentine’s Day trenches
Valentine’s Day is too emotionally charged to be anything but annoying. But it does make me stop and look at the years I’ve enjoyed with Ramon
Pizza for dinner, kids?
I only look exhausted – I’m actually doing fine, with two weeks of faux-parenthood behind me and a new dachshund mini-nephew. Also, I remembered I can drive!
2021, you had one job
2021, you had one job. One. Just be better than 2020. You didn’t hit it out of the park, but… I’m raising a glass to the hope for a wonderful 2022!
Baby’s first colonoscopy
Notice: if you have to do this, make it yours. I certainly whined very recognizably throughout the prep process!
What about the pears?
The before and after of a house fire. Thank goodness there’s an after! All is well. But check your smoke alarms – NOW!
Alaska never disappoints
Alaska never disappoints. For me it’s family, it’s adventure, it’s big animals, it’s heavy food and heavier boots. This time I introduced it to Ramon. Memorable week: August 2021.
Trees and cicadas. Tree-cadas.
A quick bike trip to the U.S. National Arboretum. Conifers and cicadas for your viewing pleasure. Hope you like them!