
Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Cover Reveal!

Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Spy Act has a cover design, created by the A-MAY-ZING Rima Salloum, who was able to take my words and create a gorgeous visual. I swear I only bothered her a little bit with fussing around with things and colors and fonts and images...
I usually don’t quote French people.

I usually don’t quote French people.

One is happy as a result of one's own efforts once one knows the necessary ingredients of happiness: simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience. -George Sand [pen name of Amantine-Aurore-Lucile...

FIve? This has stopped being cute.

FIve? This has stopped being cute.

I felt I was on my way when I got two rejections. Now that they've reached five, even with some lovely apologies mixed in, I feel less sanguine about it. And of course the fact that everything has gone straight to hell at home does not help. I was so excited for my...

Two rejections!

Two rejections!

I have gotten two rejections. I'm pretty psyched. One was more personal, one was more "form letter" type. I think this is totally to be expected, and now that I'm experiencing it, it's not as bad as I had feared. I was pretty freaked out on Saturday. I only sent two...

The book, continued. A new chapter for you…

---***--- The bombers. Still the dissonance rings in my ears like Anglican church bells in my neighbourhood full of Muslim immigrants. They were boys, sweet and dear and polite, and they got haircuts in my shop every three weeks for the full six months they spent...

Which pitch?

Which pitch?

Hey y'all. This weekend I send out my "pitch" - ~200 words that have to get your blood boiling, your interest piqued and your wallet out! I'd love to get a poll of your opinions: which of the following three pitches would make you want to buy the book? #1 (188 words)...

Chapter One, Continued – Spy Act

"What did you find?" asked my boss, who I called Pastey, for being as white as cod and half as interesting. His real name was Leslie, or 'Les. I found that quite fitting as well. Pretty much what we expected. The warehouse is full of arms, and it's set up for...

Spy Act. Chapter One.

Spy Act. Chapter One.

You may have noticed I've been blog silent for a few months. I was finishing... This. My novel. It's ready for agenting, and I'm gearing up for that. I'd love to hear your comments on these first few pages.   SPY ACT. Act One. Ash Shamilyah region, northern...

NaNoWriMo – Second novel in the Spy Act series

NaNoWriMo – Second novel in the Spy Act series

I finished my novel!   I wrote over 50,000 words in the month of November, on a novel I haven't named yet. It's the second in a series - a fantastic spy novel. Here's the (as yet unpublished) jacket blurb: The terrorists who blew up superspy Nathalie Qadir's city...