Hello, my name is Keri Culver
I am an international evaluator and writer.
Through EvalMundi I evaluate foreign aid programs worldwide. I also provide training in evaluation, field research, ethics, and other topics. Learn More…
My latest writing
Two rejections!
I have gotten two rejections. I'm pretty psyched. One was more personal, one was more "form letter" type. I think this is totally to be expected, and now that I'm experiencing it, it's not as bad as I had feared. I was pretty freaked out on Saturday. I only sent two...
The book, continued. A new chapter for you…
---***--- The bombers. Still the dissonance rings in my ears like Anglican church bells in my neighbourhood full of Muslim immigrants. They were boys, sweet and dear and polite, and they got haircuts in my shop every three weeks for the full six months they spent...
Which pitch?
Hey y'all. This weekend I send out my "pitch" - ~200 words that have to get your blood boiling, your interest piqued and your wallet out! I'd love to get a poll of your opinions: which of the following three pitches would make you want to buy the book? #1 (188 words)...