Hello, my name is Keri Culver
I am an international evaluator and writer.

Through EvalMundi I evaluate foreign aid programs worldwide. I also provide training in evaluation, field research, ethics, and other topics. Learn More…
My latest writing
Fifteen minutes for full potency
Back In the Family. Ten magical days speaking in familect, walking the neighborhood, talking trash/ playing poker (interchangeable), eating home cooked meals, White Castles and a multi-meat meal at Salt and Smoke
On the vagaries of nonsensical panic, the gallantry of a good man, and my (possible) return to airplane grace, with a little love for DCA
Party time
Don’t succumb to short-timers’ syndrome. Have a lemonade or a beer or a shrub, and let’s give some thanks on Saturday May 1st from 7-9 PM EDT on the House Party app.