Evaluation educator

I help people develop evaluation capacity in field research, ethics, and other topics. I think evaluation capacity building should be baked into designs – not just to bring Western evaluation to developing countries, but to bring non-Western understanding into evaluation design and analysis. This page lists training and presentations I have carried out.

Training in Pakistan

(Not included in this list: training field teams for data collection, speaking to students about M&E, and presentations of individual evaluation or research reports.)


  • Innovas Schools, Mexico City, virtual conference Bright Mindsets: Women’s Leadership.
  • European Evaluation Society, Copenhagen, June. Panel host, “Working ourselves out of a job.”
  • European Evaluation Society, Copenhagen, June. Panel member, “Subject-matter experts as evaluators: a pathway to prioritize the main challenges of our time.”
  • Saudi Impact Center. “Evaluative Thinking,” 2.5h interactive session with civil society practitioners, on incorporating learning through evaluative thinking action planning.


  • European Evaluation Society, virtual conference: “Contribution Tracing: A New Tool for the Complexity-Aware Evaluator’s Toolbox,” with Claire Hastings from Oxford Policy Management
  • El Space Civil Society Incubator, Tunisia. “MEL Master Class,” 20 hours on monitoring, evaluation and learning, and strategic MEL planning for grassroots organizations.
  • USAID/Indonesia MEL Platform, Evaluation Refresher course (five :20 videos) with quizzes and interactive engagement sessions on the content, and a brown bag on impact evaluation.


  • Certificate Program in Evaluation (USAID); Amman, Jordan (semester-equivalent course on evaluation methods for mid-level evaluators, including a ten-week practicum)
  • American Evaluation Association Summer Institute, Atlanta: “Developing Evaluation Questions”
  • Evaluation leadership capacity building; Amman, Jordan (16 hours)
Evaluation course participants, Jordan


  • Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia: La investigacion aplicada en servicio de los programas sociales (One session of a graduate course on applied research of social programs)


  • AEA Annual Conference, Chicago: Harmonizing evaluation policy at USAID 
  • Insitum, Bogota, Colombia: Design thinking and international development 
Field team in Colombia


  • Universidad de la Sabana, Bogota, Colombia: La investigacion aplicada en servicio de los programas sociales (2 hours – applied research of social programs)
Field team in Zambia


  • Curso Certificado en Evaluacion (USAID), Bogota, Colombia (semester-equivalent course on evaluation methods for mid-level evaluators, including a ten-week practicum)


  • Evaluation for Program Managers (USAID); Washington, DC (40 hours)
  • Certificate Program in Evaluation (USAID); Islamabad, Pakistan (semester-equivalent course on evaluation methods for mid-level evaluators, including a ten-week practicum)
  • AEA Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado. Internal/external evaluation in Afghanistan
Zambia field team


  • AEA Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida: short course on cost analyses, and a presentation on Meeting Resistance with Transparency from my experience working with Government of Zambia on a randomized controlled trial study of cash transfers 
  • 3ie Annual Conference, Cuernavaca, Mexico; The Next Generation of Cash Transfer Experiments
Ethiopian field team