Hello, my name is Keri Culver
I am an international evaluator and writer.
Through EvalMundi I evaluate foreign aid programs worldwide. I also provide training in evaluation, field research, ethics, and other topics. Learn More…
My latest writing
Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Cover Reveal!
Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Spy Act has a cover design, created by the A-MAY-ZING Rima Salloum, who was able to take my words and create a gorgeous visual. I swear I only bothered her a little bit with fussing around with things and colors and fonts and images...
The Misfit’s Myth
...slightly to the side or underneath the Hero's Journey... [is] the misfit's myth: Even at the moment of your epic failures, you are beautiful. Because you have risen from mud or trauma or despair or jail or grief or abuse or alcohol or drugs, you have the ability...
On a roll with NaNoWriMo: 30,205 words, and counting.
The story: a crazy invention from my beloved niece, about family. Not our family, but a family. Each person has their weaknesses and strengths, or "struggles" and "abilities". As debilitating as their struggles are, their strengths are little superhero powers. It's a...