Hello, my name is Keri Culver
I am an international evaluator and writer.

Through EvalMundi I evaluate foreign aid programs worldwide. I also provide training in evaluation, field research, ethics, and other topics. Learn More…
My latest writing
My name is (not) Melle Mel
I’m no Melle Mel but I’ve got some unexpected rhythm. I took an online Freestyle class and thus it begins… #Kericantbeatboxcanshe #dontquityourdayjob
Automotive interlude
Automotive interlude? But I don’t even like cars. I might make an exception for the Tunisian-made WallysCar. Meanwhile, I’ll walk, bike, and take a taxi. And thank heaven for that.
Vote… any way you can!
Debunking Trump’s claims about vote fraud. He’s acting in bad faith and against the country’s best interests. Citizens, VOTE!