Dinner was great: chicken milanese, ratatouille, and spiced pears for dessert. Trigger alert: if you’ve been in a fire and have been traumatized by that, this might not be the best thing to read. It is scaring me just to type it. Last Wednesday night we were...
If it did, I’m sure it would have a different name, like “Jersey City” or “Canton”. But no, this is Alaska, and it sounds majestic because it is. Or maybe it’s because I hear my brother’s booming bass saying it:...
Washington is genuinely sultry these days, but as recently as a week ago we had lovely sunny non-humid days where riding around on a bike didn’t feel like being trapped inside a Snuffleupagous. (For those of you unfamiliar with the beast in question, think...
Carol Kane, in The Princess Bride: “You’ve gotta wait, what, fifteen minutes for full potency.” This immortal clip has been running through my head for Five. Full. Weeks. From my first shot, 36 hours after arriving in DC, to the second shot precisely...
My flight to DC was the first time I’d been Up In The Air in over a year. I’m no stranger to the inside of a steel tube, racing across the skies. I started flying at 13, in 1981, child of divorce, with my mom. It was Frontier Airlines, with cowboy wallpaper and...
Short-timer syndrome: behaviors that kick in when you are about to leave something. I first heard of it regarding people in jail – that just before they are set to get released, they’re so agitated and eager they have a short fuse. So they do something...