

My flight to DC was the first time I’d been Up In The Air in over a year. I’m no stranger to the inside of a steel tube, racing across the skies. I started flying at 13, in 1981, child of divorce, with my mom. It was Frontier Airlines, with cowboy wallpaper and...
Party time

Party time

Short-timer syndrome: behaviors that kick in when you are about to leave something. I first heard of it regarding people in jail – that just before they are set to get released, they’re so agitated and eager they have a short fuse. So they do something...
A bitters experiment

A bitters experiment

Making bitters has been a funny enterprise from the start. I don’t really do cocktails. But the idea of something that would take weeks to mature appealed. There was certainly no rush about it. I was reading recipes and looking for ingredients for months before...
Planting seeds

Planting seeds

Ridiculously, I’m planting seeds in dirt today. It’s a bizarre enterprise – there is no way these little tiny flecks – some smaller than a sesame seed – are going to turn into anything. Our balcony gets beaucoup sunlight in summer (we...
The year without an adjective

The year without an adjective

Oh, sure, there are plenty of adjectives – horrifying, dumbfounded, abject, shocking – to describe our feelings during this long year. Nouns too: dismay, fear, relief, uncertainty. We have nothing but our old words to label the new, so it makes...


January 20, 2021 is going to be a banner day, as we file that creep away in the “Odious, traitorous, menacing orange slimeball” category. DON’T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON YOUR WAY OUT, YOU SCUMBAG A**HAT! Go enjoy your ignominy in Mar-A-Lago, where they don’t want you...