Have you ever wanted to dwell in a cave?

Have you ever wanted to dwell in a cave?

Maybe if you lived in the heat of central-south Tunisia, a cave would appeal. Here you will find what they call les maisons troglodytes – troglodyte caves. Leaving Djerba, we were on dull flatland for a fair stretch but we saw pale red mountains looming, dotted...
Finally… to Djerba

Finally… to Djerba

It is not so easy to get to Djerba! I mean, you can fly if you want… but that would be too simple. Imagine a camel caravan, or for that matter even crazy long day in a rental car, not finding a gas station for a frighteningly long time, then crossing a ferry...
The Gem of El Djem

The Gem of El Djem

Ali and I next traveled to the eastern coast of Tunisia and stayed a night in Monastir. Without knowing what I was getting, I booked an old school all-inclusive resort for the night. And by “old school” I mean a buffet full of somewhat older people wearing...
North and West in Tunisia

North and West in Tunisia

This trip gave me the opportunity to see Dougga, and for alllll of Dougga to see me! What is this Dougga, you ask? It is only “the best preserved Roman small town in North Africa,” according to Wikipedia and everyone we spoke with. It was founded in the...
Enjoying La Marsa and Tunis one more time

Enjoying La Marsa and Tunis one more time

I’ve had the most amazing two weeks, wherein my dear friend Ali visited my home in Tunisia! He gave me the chance to say so long to this country I’ve come to love, with a proper send-off – visiting some places I know and many, many places I...
First time in Copenhagen

First time in Copenhagen

There’s a first time for everything, and this week was my first time in Copenhagen. I attended the European Evaluation Society conference, which means I definitely did not get in enough sightseeing. But a bike ride on the last afternoon helped to put that right!...