Oh, yeah, right, like I have anything interesting to report from Kabul. How about pizza dough? If I want to be important, daring, bold, or devil-may-care, everyone else here has long since beaten me to it. There’s an article in the local expats’ magazine...
This was my very first trip to Pakistan. Kyna, my gorgeous darling sister, was already there, telling me it was all going to be great. She had already mastered driving around the city, meeting people, finding great places to eat, and enjoying the dramatic landscape....
This will be my longest blog yet – tons of fun with Kyle, Maureen, Lauren, Dad and the cats in Alaska for Thanksgiving. Kyle and Maureen live in a beautiful high-ceilinged house near Palmer and Wasilla, Alaska. Lauren spends her weekends there, often doing...
I finished my novel! I wrote over 50,000 words in the month of November, on a novel I haven’t named yet. It’s the second in a series – a fantastic spy novel. Here’s the (as yet unpublished) jacket blurb: The terrorists who blew up...
An absolutely alphabetic itinerary: Afghanistan to Zambia, to Zimbabwe, and back to Afghanistan. Can anyone else say they have gone from the front of the alphabet, to the back, and returned to the front? Ask the lady at the Executive Platinum Desk who made it possible...