More Mongolia

More Mongolia

For those of you (there must be thousands!) who read my first Mongolia post and only wanted more, here you have it! Bonus points if you thought to yourself, “Yes, Keri, natural beauty abounds in Mongolia, but what about food and culture?” Food I was...
Oops in a remote corner of Mongolia

Oops in a remote corner of Mongolia

I’m trying to remember it just as it happened. We had made 5 or 6 attempts to climb a curving, snow-covered hill, in Terelj National Park. Each try we got a little further. But when we stopped advancing, we had to turn around precariously and inch our way back down....
Exploring Campania

Exploring Campania

Napoli feels a little transgressive to me. First there’s the chaos. We went to Rome one weekend, and by way of explanation, it felt like having landed in Oslo or maybe Poughkeepsie. In Napoli you fight your way across the street against an onslaught of...
Napoli, Nuova

Napoli, Nuova

We’ve started a new adventure in Napoli and the pics in this post will be just the tip of the iceberg. It’s a cute – while also gritty – city that seems to feel no compulsion to be like other cities. You can’t even get an Uber here, or,...
Back to the beginning

Back to the beginning

…and back to Monrovia. My first blog posts (#1 and #2) were born in this country on the West Coast of Africa, over a dozen years ago. This time, in 2023, I was not looking forward to traveling to Monrovia. I’d just reunited with Ramon and I was not all...
A celebration of Dad

A celebration of Dad

Check out poker-faced Gene Culver, pocket comb securely in place, ready to rock somebody’s world. If you were playing for real money and you saw this across the table from you… well, probably best to just hand him your wallet and be done with it. Friday...