Casi siempre me quedo en casa. Mi padre prefiere que esté dentro de las cuatro paredes, porque como dice, “Cuando tu estás aquí, yo sí puedo vivir.” No es que sea cruel, mi padre, solo es que me quiere proteger. Me despierto la primera pero no me muevo. Mis pasos en...
Please see the lovely photo which inspired this piece, Kyle 3099 on Genoa Hill From High Plains Hogger on Flicker The conductor, Kyle 3099 according to his embroidered nametag, slept peacefully on the cabin floor. “Sleeping peacefully,” in this context, meant...
14 February 2017. For Chuck Wendig’s weekly Flash Fiction prompt. My Random Number Generator chose 10. Long way home. April hoisted her lumpy backpack up on her bony shoulders. It should have weighed more. The dehydrated food packs she’d selected and tallied at...
How lovely to hear Chopin in the park, at the touch of a button! The benches have really good acoustics – you can click on the pic to hear a piece from a good videographer called Happy Data Scientist (I’m not kidding) on YouTube. This is the Chopin...
Let’s go to the who, what, when, where, why and how of the Executive Order (EO). No, I’m not a journalist, but rather a social scientist, which Trump would probably still find Bad. Or Sad. Or whatever it is he says. Anyway: WHAT: Temporary ban, with leeway...
UPDATE: Here’s a petition to tell the media exactly what we want: an end to free publicity for the Big Moron: Petition We need to enlist the media to make an important change. It’s time to stop treating this maniacal Moron in Chief as if he were like other...