The Misfit’s Myth

…slightly to the side or underneath the Hero’s Journey… [is] the misfit’s myth:  Even at the moment of your epic failures, you are beautiful. Because you have risen from mud or trauma or despair or jail or grief or abuse or alcohol or drugs,...

Random cheering, honking, camel: Tunis on Halloween

Tunis today. We walked around till we were almost dead. The sun is so intense, even in autumn! It was 4:00 before we could eat lunch, but when we did… Ravioli Dello Chef for me, Carbonara for Ramon (ever the traditionalist). And a gorgeous salad shared. Hon hon...
It’s National Novel Writing Month again!

It’s National Novel Writing Month again!

Calling all creative minds… Let’s novel! National Novel Writing Month is about to begin. This annual event pits you against your inner editor (troublesome fellow: more on him below) to write 50,000 words – the equivalent of a novella – in one month. Millions...
Now in French!

Now in French!

I tried writing a note to a friend in ze French language. Ouch. We’ve been studying for months and still, the basic conversations with the front desk at our hotel, or answering people’s questions about Catalunya, are so awkward and clumsy I want to press...