Ground rules for meditating: gerund edition

Ground rules for meditating: gerund edition

A list of gerunds I found myself doing mentally, while meditating. I’m supposed to be breathing and feeling the breath, and that’s all, but I found a few other ways to pass the time. It is BUSY up in HERE. Hypochondriacking (sp?) Questioning my spelling...
Zero moment

Zero moment

Zero moment: that minuscule space in time before you do something that changes you forever. I’m a writer, and I think of myself as always having been one. But it’s not true. I have first, foremost and absolutely been a dedicated reader. I’ve got one, two, three or...
Moving the goals post

Moving the goals post

Featured pic from Mitchell Lawler on Unsplash Goalposts – goals – get it? The start of a year is an appropriate, if imperfect, time for looking at your goals and urging yourself forward. I think goals should be realistic but ambitious – after all,...
Done and to do: my writing year

Done and to do: my writing year

I came across a blog post today on the Brevity site, by Allison K. Williams, asking about one’s writing year: what did you manage to accomplish? The novelty was the positive angle: not what did you promise yourself to do, and not get done, a set of questions...
Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Cover Reveal!

Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Cover Reveal!

Nathalie is ready for her close-up. Spy Act has a cover design, created by the A-MAY-ZING Rima Salloum, who was able to take my words and create a gorgeous visual. I swear I only bothered her a little bit with fussing around with things and colors and fonts and images...

The Misfit’s Myth

…slightly to the side or underneath the Hero’s Journey… [is] the misfit’s myth:  Even at the moment of your epic failures, you are beautiful. Because you have risen from mud or trauma or despair or jail or grief or abuse or alcohol or drugs,...