More letters for you! For me this is another way of chronicling the coronavirus. If you like these, there are more posts of letters, for March, April, and June 2020, chronicling life and coronavirus and politics and relationships and, again, life. When I write a blog...
I’m looking back at the lockdown letters I wrote for another angle on how we’ve weathered this storm. I’ve always written long letters and during lockdown I’ve written more than normal. They’re both creative outlet and connection, and...
It’s time to show some exciting kitchen adventures. I could use the break from thinking about politics, which is as disgustingly craven and self-serving as it has always been, plus Trump. (Yo, Semite??? I used to think it was at least less awful when he read...
I’ve written a lot of letters since confinement began. All electronic, since there’s no mail carrier sauntering up my drive every day here in La Marsa, Tunisia. But those of you who’ve been “blessed” with one (or more) of my emails in the...
Time traveling: back to a marvelous trip I took in summer, 2004, to the land of White Nights, pelmeniy, kvas, and the iconic onion-domed Orthodox cathedral in Red Square. Magadan From New York we took Delta to Moscow, an eight-hour flight across eight time zones....
This is from my dad, Gene Culver: he’s a bit fed up with the Orange Menace and his tactics in Portland. I don’t know that Dad has written poetry before, but this seems very advanced. A complex rhyming structure, strong imagery, and fits Trump to a tee....