Back to the beginning

Back to the beginning

…and back to Monrovia. My first blog posts (#1 and #2) were born in this country on the West Coast of Africa, over a dozen years ago. This time, in 2023, I was not looking forward to traveling to Monrovia. I’d just reunited with Ramon and I was not all...
Poll results! And a stats lesson

Poll results! And a stats lesson

I know you’ve all been waiting for the results of my Highly Psyentific(TM) apolitical election week poll. Without further ado, some impressive results from a sample of my 334 followers! How about this one? What have been your creative outlets during 2020? If you...
Notional zebras and the big red bus: stories from an evaluation

Notional zebras and the big red bus: stories from an evaluation

Kilimanjaro from the air Two months in Nairobi, though it seemed like more. It’s bad form to say so… but driving around Nairobi never put anyone in a good mood. Mostly it puts you at a standstill. And how come I was always on the side of the car with the...
Things you learn (or remember) in East Africa

Things you learn (or remember) in East Africa

Kampollyball I love volleyball. I haven’t played for a long while, but I had occasion to play in Kampala again after a years-long break. Volleyball is my jam, despite the obvious hiccup that I am not very good at it. That fact is completely in character:...
Moving the goals post

Moving the goals post

Featured pic from Mitchell Lawler on Unsplash Goalposts – goals – get it? The start of a year is an appropriate, if imperfect, time for looking at your goals and urging yourself forward. I think goals should be realistic but ambitious – after all,...
Do what you like

Do what you like

Do what you like When I told my parents I wanted a job where I could do what I like, as a young college graduate with a sociology degree (!), you’d have thought I said I wanted to juggle babies for a living. But they came around, about the time I  found a job I...