Run government like a business?

Run government like a business?

Here’s a bit of received wisdom from the conservative side of the aisle, circa maybe 1985. These days, I keep hearing it from Undecideds and folks who explain away the Orange Menace’s garbage mouth: he’s a businessman, he’ll run the country...


January 20, 2021 is going to be a banner day, as we file that creep away in the “Odious, traitorous, menacing orange slimeball” category. DON’T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON YOUR WAY OUT, YOU SCUMBAG A**HAT! Go enjoy your ignominy in Mar-A-Lago, where they don’t want you...
Guest post from Gene!

Guest post from Gene!

Gene Culver takes the reins of the post today, to lambaste Limbaugh and his ilk. And to propose a creative solution: how about just one week of silence from these fountains of lies? The author, pensive in his Pashto hat With no further ado, Dad’s brief but...
Going polar for the truth

Going polar for the truth

The biggest election turnout in the history of our country should have been cause for celebration. Two-thirds of the electorate found a way to vote, despite the pandemic risks. But the nature of the results, and how many people claim to disbelieve them, tempers our...
Vote… any way you can!

Vote… any way you can!

Any kind of voting looks suspect, if there aren’t enough people on your side to vote you in. Trump is a dangerous, wounded beast right now – he’s liable to say and do anything to keep his base on side and suppress any other votes he possibly can....
Guest poetry today

Guest poetry today

This is from my dad, Gene Culver: he’s a bit fed up with the Orange Menace and his tactics in Portland. I don’t know that Dad has written poetry before, but this seems very advanced. A complex rhyming structure, strong imagery, and fits Trump to a tee....