Just some cheerful pics and reminiscing. The news is… too much for me today.

It’s Tony’s birthday today! Send him love if you know him. If you knew him, you’d love him!

Ping pong night with Ali and Shane and Dave and Shawn – November 2019.

A nice fellow who use to say hello each morning as I went to the gym. Back when I went to a gym.

My December 2019 trip to Kenya – Mombasa, specifically, where some monkeys stole the show. The reason I was there was the presentation you see in the third photo – but the monkeys were way more interesting than my PowerPoint.

My Nov 2019 trip to St. Louis to see my own favorite monkeys at home:

Ramon being cute with his coworker, Etienne —

And a pic of my friend Marla from my time at the Spa in Vail! We had a catch-up this week. Screen shots suck for quality but I can’t argue with the content.